Best type of brown rice Ta-989
brown rice price Ta-989
How to buy Brown rice Ta-989
buy brown rice Ta-989
Best type of brown rice Ta-989
brown rice price Ta-989
How to buy Brown rice Ta-989
buy brown rice Ta-989

Penguin Brown Rice Ta-989| 1 kg pack

1 Reviews

✅ Only for Wholesale

Produced in Iran

Aromatic Rice

High quality Iranian rice

No artificial colors, flavors or preservatives

In the package of 1 kg pack (2.2 pound)


Brown rice has many nutrients that most people know less about than white rice. Brown rice has a layer of rice bran and creamy brown color. Penguin Brown Rice Ta-989 has more nutrients than white rice, including selenium, manganese, and vitamin B, which can be a good choice when buying rice. Buying brown rice is one of the foods that play an essential role in our diet. Today, people use it in their diet due to the properties of whole grain rice, such as controlling high blood pressure, cholesterol, depression, and stress.

What is Penguin Brown Rice Ta-989

The brown range is the same as the white rice. The difference between them is that in white rice, the outer layers of the paddy are entirely removed, but in brown rice, only the first layer is removed. Brown rice is richer in iron, zinc, phosphorus, manganese, calcium, magnesium, potassium, selenium, and vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, K, and E than white rice. Brown rice is a vital source of protein, adds a lot of fiber to your diet, and provides the fatty acids you need for your health. Many diseases, such as diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, constipation, etc., can be prevented and cured by eating brown rice twice a week. Cook any Iranian food, and serve it over brown rice.

buy brown rice Ta-989

Buy Penguin Brown Rice Ta-989 or white rice.

Most rice is high in carbohydrates, low in protein, and low in fat. However, brown rice is a whole grain. This means that brown rice contains all parts of cereals.

Properties of Penguin Brown Rice Ta-989

  • It improves hair quality and growth and prevents bleaching and hair loss.
  • Blood sugar stability and control
  • Weight loss and obesity prevention
  • Reduce asthma
  • Reduce migraine headaches
  • Maintain bone health and valuable for osteoarthritis and osteoporosis
  • Antidepressants and prevention of neurological diseases

0 to 2 kg
1 Reviews

How many calories does it have?
By maryam.m on 06/01/2022

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