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Saharkhiz Saffron Honey Ta-1206| 450 grams


✅ Only for Wholesale

Produced in Iran 

Combine saffron with honey along with saffron pieces

It has a pleasant scent

Calories: 304 cal per 100 gr

In the package of 600 grams (21.16 ounce)


Saffron has many highly influential properties, along with natural honey. Saharkhiz Saffron Honey Ta-1206 is the new product of this company. The antioxidant and antimicrobial properties of honey cure many stomach problems.

About Saharkhiz Saffron Honey Ta-1206

Saffron honey contains many substances such as monosaccharides, fructose, and glucose, about 65 to 80% of sugar, which provides its sweetness. Honey has antiseptic and antibacterial properties. One tablespoon of honey contains 64 calories and 17.3 grams of fat-free sugar, protein, and fiber. Honey contains antioxidants that protect the heart. The oxidative stress associated with bad cholesterol can also be reduced by honey. Modern medical science seeks to use honey to heal chronic wounds, increase immunity, and fight infection.

Dissolve honey and lemon juice in warm water to see its good effect. Honey can also inhibit the harmful effects of mycotoxins (fungi produced by fungi) and improve intestinal health.

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Saharkhiz Saffron Honey Ta-1206 Ingredients

  • Natural honey
  • Saffron powder

Benefits of Saharkhiz Saffron Honey Ta-1206

  • Regulate blood pressure
  • Improve heart health
  • Help fight cancer
  • Treatment of stomach problems
  • Allergy treatment
  • Boost immunity            
  • Treatment of nausea
  • Help to lose weight

5 × 5 × 13 cm
0-500 grams (0-1.1 pounds)
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