dried figs Ta-854
dried anjeer (figs) Ta-854
dried figs Ta-854
dried anjeer (figs) Ta-854

Dried Anjeer (Figs) Ta-854| 600 gram pack

1 Reviews

✅ Only for Wholesale

Produced in Iran 

100% Natural Anjeer

Rich source of fiber calcium and iron

Suitable for people on a diet

In the package of 600 grams (1.32 pounds)


Dried Anjeer (Figs) Ta-854 is a sweet and very nutritious fruit with many properties that are mostly found in West Asia and the countries around the Mediterranean. Figs are low-calorie, low-fat foods that have a mild flavor and a sweet taste.

Why should you buy Dried Anjeer (Figs) Ta-854

Figs can be eaten fresh or dried and have a sweet taste and many health benefits. Fresh figs are well known for their deliciousness, which is good to eat for 1 to 2 weeks after harvest. In contrast, dried figs are available throughout the year and have a longer shelf life than fresh varieties.

dried anjeer (figs)

Nutrients in Dried Anjeer (Figs) Ta-854

Dried anjeers are high in protein, carbohydrates, calcium, vitamin K, potassium, iron, and magnesium. Dried anjeers contain more dietary fiber than other fruits. A glass of dried anjeer has about 200 calories and almost no fat. Further boosting your health, this dried fruit contains many antioxidants and active ingredients. It also contains small amounts of omega-6 fatty acids, glutamic acid, and linoleic acid.

Dried Anjeer (Figs) Ta-854 and weight loss

Weight loss will be easier when you include low-calorie foods in your regular diet. Anjeer is a low-sweet and satisfying fruit that can be a good diet for weight loss. The use of delicious dried anjeer is directly related to weight loss. Anjeer is high in fiber, and before the body absorbs them, all the small grains help absorb the fat in the digestive tract. This is just one way to lose weight and stay healthy. Additionally, all small grains that act as small scrubbers to clean our intestines improve intestinal health.

This is a process that can help reduce bowel cancer. Anjeer is also relatively low in calories. A typical anjeer has about 37 calories and provides 6% of our daily fiber needs.

20 x 11 x 10 cm
500-1000 grams (1.1-2.2 pounds)
1 Reviews

This was my second order of this product. It was a really good product
By Bianca on 04/04/2022

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