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How familiar are you with the captivating biography of the famous poet Hafez? In Iranian culture, Sheikh Hafez Shirazi, also known as Hafiz, holds a special place as the revealer of hidden secrets and the unseen realm. In various national ceremonies or when making a decision, people often invoke Hafez's wisdom to make a decision. But how familiar are you with Hafez's biography? Sometimes It seems he knows us better than we know him. But whatever the reason for this lack of knowledge is, it doesn't stem from the lack of popularity of this precious poet; On the contrary, it seems that his brilliant works deeply influenced this poet's life. It is rare to find someone who is not familiar with one or more of Hafez's lyric pomes and does not whisper them in private.
Besides Hafez, other talented poets lived in the art-loving land of Iran, whose fame has reached the ears of everyone around the world. In this article, we intend to tribute this precious lyric poet and review some points of his life. Stay with us to read Hafez biography.
Hafez Birthday : When Was Hafez Born?
Khwāje Shams-od-Dīn Moḥammad Ḥāfeẓ-e Shīrāzī, the Persian poet we know as Hafiz Shirazi, was born in Shiraz. His father's name was Baha al-Din, and he was among those who migrated from Isfahan to Shiraz during ATĀBAKĀN's reign. It is said that his mother was a resident of Kazerun. There is no consensus among historians on the choice of his birth year, and some consider his birth year to be 717 AH. In comparison, others consider 726 or 727 AH as valid. And this is how the biography of Hafez began.
Hafiz's Childhood and Eucation
During his childhood, Shams al-Din studied various sciences under the Fagla of Shiraz. So in his youth, he mastered all his time's religious and literary sciences and memorized the Quran. However, it is important to note that Hafez is primarily recognized and celebrated for his poetry rather than his religious studies. He, who had become one of his hometown's literary celebrities in his twenties, chose the surname Hafez. "Hafez" is the honorific title given to Shams al-Din because of his remarkable memory and ability to recite the entire Qur'an. In Persian, "hafez" means "one who has memorized the Qur'an".
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Hafez witnessed a transition of power in the region of Fars. During his youth, the local ATĀBAKĀN dynasty of Fars fell, and the Injuids dynasty took over this part of Iran. Hafez was paid attention to by the leaders of the Injuids. And found a high position with Shah Sheikh Jamal al-Din Abu Ishaq, the governor of Fars.
However, Abu Ishaq's rule did not last long, and in 754 AH, he was succeeded by Amir al-Muzaffar, the founder of the Al-Muzaffar Dynasty. Although the reign of Amir Muzaffar al-Din was also brief. In 759 AH, two of his sons named, Shah Mahmud and Shah Shoja, took control of the government, ousting their father from power. During this time, Hafez earned great respect and attained a prestigious position in the court of these two kings, enjoying their patronage and high status.
Hafez's job: From Courtier to Poet
One point that should be mentioned in Hafez's biography is the job and income. During the reign of Sheykh Abu Ishaq, Hafez entered the court and began his civil career. After that, in addition to the Court of Abu Ishak Shah, he continued his work in the court of other kings, such as Sheikh Mubarizuddin, Shah Shuja, Shah Mansur, and Shah Yahya. Therefore, he did not make a living from being a poet.
Works of Hafez
Divan-e-Hafez contains 500 sonnets (Ghazal), 42 quatrains, and several odes. Hafiz wrote his divan over 50 years, so he only worked on 10 ghazals annually. Another Iranian poet with international fame whose sonnet works can be called Rumi. They both lived in the 13th century, and their works are widely read and cherished today.
The Divan of Hafez has been published more than four hundred times in Persian and other languages all over the world, establishing Hafez Shirazi's literary prominence on a global scale.
His literary Influence extends to neighboring and nearby countries such as Afghanistan, Turkey, Pakistan, and India. And also penetrated Western culture and has prominent fans such as Goethe (a German writer who is said to have written his Eastern-Western Diwan under the Influence of Hafez's Divan). Additionally, Friedrich Nietzsche, the German poet, composed a poem titled "To Hafez" as a tribute to the great Persian poet.
Divan of Hafez Divination
It is only possible to talk about Hafez's biography by mentioning the name of Hafiz's horoscope. On occasions such as Yalda night or Nowruz new year at the Haft Sin table, Hafez's fortune-telling has become one of the Iranian religious customs. One of Hafez's works wonders is that the reader can interpret the ghazals based on his mood; in other words, Hafez's ghazals mirror the reader's soul. When they have intentions, they open the book with their right hand and read the poem on the top right page.
Hafez's Influence on world literature
Hafez's poems have been translated extensively by scholars and poets over the centuries, and different translators have brought their interpretations and styles to the translations. There have also been many famous people who Hafez has inspired in their works.
Daniel Ladinsky is an American poet and translator famous for his translations and adaptations of Hafez's poetry. Ladinski's translation of Hafez includes free verse readings that capture the essence and spirit of the original poems while presenting them in a contemporary style accessible to English-speaking readers.
Another writer influenced by Hafez is Andre Gide, this Nobel Prize-winning French writer was somehow inspired by the quatrains of the two great Iranian poets, Hafez and Khayyam, in his famous work "The Fruits of the Earth".
Death and the Tomb of Hafez
This precious poet and a source of pride for Iranian civilization passed away in 971 or 972 AH. He was buried in Musalla Gardens, one of Shiraz's most important tourist areas today and attracts many lovers of Persian literature and poetry.
It is interesting to know around Shiraz city in Fars province, there are some ancient buildings such as Persepolis.
CyrusCraf Hafez Biographyts' Last Word
Undoubtedly, Hafez is one of the valuable international treasures and the pride of all Iranian people. It's a pity that the familiarity and intimacy with such a famous poet are getting less and less daily. We hope that by writing the article on Hafez's biography, we have brought you a step closer to getting to know this poet, however minor.
Finally, we end this article with poems by Hafez:
Give me the cup ! a voice rings in mine ears Crying : "Bear patiently the bitter years !
For all thine ills, I send thee heavenly grace.
God the Creator mirrored in thy face Thine eyes shall see, God's image in the glass I send to thee.
What is your favorite poem by Hafez?
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